Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Martha how I love thee

What do you take to a knitting camp when you have 5 other WIP's?

A NEW project....Martha (rav link) no less, enabled from the lovely Yarn Studio as quick as I could blink (after seeing the pattern).

What a great pattern - easy - clear - and , d'oh, so OBVIOUS I wish I had thought of it. 24 hours of knitting over 2 days let me get well on the way....I'd say a couple more days I will be able to flash a finished Knit....well, here's hoping.

I am using some lovely stashed Rare Yarns Surino that I have been searching for the right pattern to use. I've mixed it up a little by knitting in stocking stitch for sections and then randomly changing to purl....it's looking fabulous.


knitch said...

Thanks for the plug, and congratulations on getting the bug, as I have. I'm knitting my first strip. On that, I decided to split long pieces of the Schaefer Laurel that I'm using into three threads, and I'm holding them, one at a time, with the 2 colors of Maxi-Lock sewing thread. I'm attaching the lengths of Laurel by tying knots and leaving them on the outside of the sweater, to be seen. The avenues for creativity with these patterns are ENDLESS!!!! I feel the way you do. I already have that "just right green" at the ready for the next one.

Stephy said...

Thanks so much for joining us, Donni. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your Martha. I know it's going to be a creative approach.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous D. Have you posted your Zena here yet?